
The Bethlehem Food Co-Op is currently organized into two standing committees, with the formation and dissolution of additional committees and task groups as necessary. If you want to get your hands dirty and really work on bringing this vision to life, join a committee by emailing the listed leader.

MOVE Committee:
(Membership, Outreach, Volunteers & Education)

Committee Chair: Joe Klinkhoff
[email protected] 

The MOVE committee typically meets the first Monday of every month - check our calendar for specific time and location.

The MOVE committee heads all aspects of membership, outreach, education, volunteerism, and communications for BFC. This committee directly supports all membership recruitment efforts and engagement with current members. MOVE additionally plans, executes, and coordinates volunteers for community happenings and events that BFC hosts.

The educational aspect of MOVE works to inform the public about the cooperative, healthy eating, sustainability and more through both the Community Hubs program and classes offered at local institutions of higher education.

MOVE also keeps members, the community, and the media informed of BFC’s events and accomplishments through an active social media profile, a monthly newsletter, and the BFC website. This aspect of MOVE includes the creation of promotional content, including design, copy, and campaign planning. MOVE works to keep the BFC on-brand and in line with its mission and vision.

MOVE works directly with many aspects of the greater Bethlehem community and strives to build relationships with local businesses, institutions of higher education, and the community as a whole.

MOVE always welcomes new members who excel at any of the following skills: event planning, teaching, graphic design, writing, web development, photography, or just generally loves meeting new people and making an impact in their community!

Finance Committee:

Committee Chair: Kathy Fox
[email protected] 

Committee meets monthly; dates and times TBD.

The finance committee oversees financial policy and book keeping. Among other things, they are tasked with writing policies, handling incorporation matters, managing the bank account, accounting, taxes, business plan development, and financial goal setting.

This is for you if you are: a numbers person, an accountant, a financial manager, a business person, a policy developer.


