Stocking Our Shelves - Forum #2

The BFC Sourcing Committee presents a panel discussion and community forum with local farmers and producers. This opportunity is offered as an opportunity to come together to take learn and take ownership of co-op decisions as we move towards selecting the products & values represented in our store.

Panelists include:

  • Liz Wagner, Crooked Row Farm Speaking on recent organic certifications and opening a local foods store.
  • Ben Scholl, Scholl’s Orchard Speaking on growing local fruit, wholesaling, and their store.
  • Aline Haddad, Johnsonville Farm Store Speaking on local, non-GMO animal feed, availability of and climate among pastured animal farmers, and owning a local store.

(Please note: this event is for co-op member-owners only. Thanks.)



September 20, 2017 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Moravian Seminary - Bahnson Center - Saal Room
60 W Locust St
Bethlehem, PA 18018
United States
Google map and directions
Liz Wagner Angela Mozeko Ben Scholl Joanne Smida Anne Kimock Sonja Walker Kelly Koons Kristina Gomez Heikki Lempa Michele Schutt Emily Hoffert Stefanie Ramsden Dougherty Laurel Blair Anne Kimock Angela Mozeko Kathy Fox Tracey Werner Laurel Mikovits

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