Looking for a Project Manager!

The Bethlehem Food Co-Op is getting one step closer to opening its full-service, community-owned grocery store by issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Project Manager to oversee the preparations and build-out of the store.

To those who are interested in this position:


After reviewing the RFP, please contact Elliot Nolter, board secretary, if you intend to submit a proposal and if you have any questions.  He will be your main contact throughout this process and he will do his best to clarify anything within the RFP or provide additional info as needed.  We cannot disclose confidential information at this time such as proposed project site, or financial statements.    

We need to emphasize that we are looking for a highly qualified project manager with grocery, natural foods, or co-op specific experience. 

Thank you for your interest!

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