Pick Up Party and Mixer

Place your online pre-order for Bethlehem Food Co-op yard signs and t-shirts, and then come to our Pick-Up Party and Mixer to get them! Visit with your fellow co-op members at Jumbars as you check out your new BFC swag.

Not sure about placing a pre-order? That's ok! We'll have extra t-shirts and lawn signs for sale at the event. Cash and credit cards accepted. 

Not interested in these items but want to hang out with your fellow co-op members? That's cool! You are still welcomed to join us! :-) 

Not yet a co-op member? We'll be signing up new members at the event. And remember, we offer a monthly payment plan ($25 a month for 12 months) for your member equity payment. 

There will be complimentary refreshments but a freewill donation is appreciated from anyone able to contribute. Thank you. 


August 30, 2017 at 5:00pm - 7pm
Michele Schutt Christopher Jones Jack Kane Becky Kramer Fisher Emily Hoffert Jenifer Stephens German Kathy Fox Laurel Mikovits Tracey Werner Jennifer Dize Colleen Marsh Laird Monika Iga Nanci Fenselau

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