March with the Co-op in the Southside St. Patrick's Day Parade

March in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with the co-op!

The co-op is marching in the new Southside St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday 3/17 and we want member-owners to join us!

Show your co-op pride by donning your favorite co-op t-shirt and carrying a We Own It/Join us co-op yard sign or a homemade sign. Wear your festive green and St. Patrick’s Day themed costumes as we hand out treats to parade attendees and help us spread the word about our new Spring Up to 500 membership campaign.

This is a family affair, so bring the kids! Pull a wagon or decorate a stroller, or let them help distribute the treats. The route is from SteelStacks to Banana Factory and back. Let’s have some fun and support the Southside Bethlehem community’s newest event!

Time: noon – 3 pm (meet up at noon; parade starts at 1 pm)
Meeting location: TBD
Parking: SteelStacks 
(Rain date is 3/24)

*If you plan to participate, please RSVP to this event. Thank you!

In case you haven't yet heard about the new St. Patrick's Day Parade on Southside, go here to learn more:

March 17, 2018 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Southside Bethlehem along 1st St.
Kathy Fox Summre Patricella

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