Our cooperative has worked hard to bring together our business, and this is our chance to shine! This will be our first official membership meeting, and is open to member-owner households only.
This is your chance to flex your rights as member-owners! We will be holding elections to select our first official board of directors. Click here for details about the election. 1 household equals 1 vote. Co-op bylaws dictate that a quorum of 5% of member-owner households, or 50 representatives, whichever is smaller, is required for business to be conducted, so please do your part and come out! If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may download a ballot here to mail in.
If you have business you would like to have considered for a vote, or you have a nomination for the board of directors, please forward it to our board secretary, Matty Sarro, at [email protected]. Nominations must be received by August 18, 2014. All member-owners are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the right and responsibility to run for a seat on the board. This is YOUR co-op!
Please feel free to bring a covered dish. We can't wait to see you there!
511 E 3rd St
Demo Kitchen- Room 521
Bethlehem, PA 18015
United States
Google map and directions
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