BFC Board meetings are open to the public, and co-op members are especially encouraged to attend to learn more about the progress being made in opening our community-owned grocery store.
- Chair’s Welcome (1 minute)
- Consent Agenda:
- June Minutes
- State of the Co-Op Letter Draft (provide feedback in doc or directly to Jenn)
- Election Timeline
- Suggested plan for full bylaw review
- BHDA Newsletter Submission
- MOVE Committee Report
Board Business
- Action Item Review (see next page) (5 minutes)
- Treasurer’s Report (Nick) (10 minutes)
- MOVE Committee Recommendations to the Board (Missy & Emily) (15 minutes)
- MOVE Committee Annual Budget Discussion (Missy & Emily) (15 minutes)
- Business Membership Proposal (including Bylaw Revision Proposal) (Kathy) (15 minutes)
Bylaw Review (Abbreviated) (Jenn) (5 minutes per item)
- Voting Rights (with Bylaw Revision Proposal)
- Committee Chairs
- Use of Robert’s Rules at Annual Meeting
- Capital Contributions Require Annual Vote
- Continuous Terms
- MOVE Committee Co-Chair (Jenn) (5 minutes)
- Use of CDBG Funds (Jenn) (5 minutes)
- Development Graphic (Tracey) (5 minutes)
- 3 Talking Points & Action Item of the Month (Jenn) (10 minutes)
- Member input time: 3-5 mins/person
- Present Action Item Assignment Review (5 minutes)
- Exec (20 minutes)
- Real Estate Update (Colleen) (10 minutes)
- Succession Planning (Jenn) (10 minutes)
July 15, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Bahnson Center, Moravian College
60 W Locust St
Bethlehem, PA 18018
United States
Google map and directions
60 W Locust St
Bethlehem, PA 18018
United States
Google map and directions
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