BFC Subcommittee "Job" Descriptions

Can you help us as a volunteer on our new website or branding subcommittees? Read on for "job" descriptions. 

Website Sub-Committee Member:

The website sub-committee will be charged with making sure that the Bethlehem Food Co-op’s website is up-to-date and user friendly. Members will work together to update content, and provide recommendations for improvement. The Website Sub-Committee will report to the MOVE Committee.

Useful Skills:

  • Experience coding in Ruby
  • Web or graphic design experience
  • Copy editing experience

Although the above skills are helpful, anyone can serve on the website sub-committee.

Branding Sub-Committee Member:

The branding sub-committee will work to establish set tools that can be utilized for the internal and external use of the Bethlehem Food Co-op. This sub-committee will be tasked with creating a set of standards including colors, logos, fonts, and other aspects of branding. This sub-committee may also recommend changes to the existing branding for approval by the co-op’s Board of Directors. The Branding Sub-Committee will report to the MOVE Committee.

Useful Skills:

  • Graphic design experience
  • Creativity
  • Marketing experience
  • Brand management
  • Eye for style

Although the above skills are helpful, anyone can serve on the branding sub-committee.

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