BFC Board Nominations

Do you have a PASSION for our co-op? Do you want to use your TALENTS to help get our community-owned grocery store’s doors open? Then take the lead by applying to fill an open seat on our board of directors.

We currently have an open seat on the BFC Board of Directors and we’re looking for the right candidate to join our team of dedicated volunteers. In the next year the board will be responsible for negotiating a lease, finalizing the store location, and launching/running the capital campaign. With that in mind, the board has identified the following skill sets that would be especially helpful:

- capital campaign development/management
- volunteer recruitment and management
- project management

If you’re have experience with any of the above, please consider applying for the vacant board seat. If you’d like to learn more,  email [email protected] and we will be happy to chat with you about board service.

Applications can be downloaded HERE, and are due via email ([email protected]) by Monday, November 12.

The board will review all applications and invites all candidates to attend the Monday, November 19 board meeting.

Specific board positions and descriptions will be defined in our bylaws, but all board members would be expected to:

  • Attend all board and appropriate committee meetings and functions, such as special events.
  • Volunteer at a minimum of 1 event per month when available (not including standard public, board, or committee meetings)
  • Take the lead on planning a minimum of one event per calendar year, which can be done in cooperation with other board members, committee members, or member-owners
  • Be informed and able to communicate about the Bethlehem Food Co-Op mission, services, policies, and programs.
  • Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings.
  • Serve on at least one committee or task forces and offer to take on special assignments.
  • Follow through on assigned tasks relating to Co-Op development.
  • Inform others about the Co-op.
  • Suggest possible nominees to the board who can make significant contributions to the work of the board and the Co-op.
  • Keep up-to-date on developments in the cooperative business and food realms.
  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies.
  • Assist the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization's annual financial statements.
  • Follow all other policies as defined by the bylaws.

Board members should possess the following traits:

  • Ability to: listen, analyze, think clearly and creatively, work well with people individually and in a group.
  • Willing to: prepare for and attend board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on a given assignment, contribute personal and financial resources in a generous way according to circumstances, open doors in the community, evaluate oneself.
  • Develop certain skills if you do not already possess them, such as to: cultivate and solicit funds, cultivate and recruit board members and other volunteers, read and understand financial statements, learn more about the substantive program area of the organization.
  • Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, a friendly, responsive, and patient approach, community-building skills, personal integrity, a developed sense of values, concern for the co-op's development, a sense of humor.

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Tracey Werner
    commented 2018-10-19 16:09:31 -0400
    That’s great Toni! We can certainly use your talents on our committees. We’ll reach out to you with more info.
  • Toni Rivera- Fernandez-Karasik
    commented 2018-10-19 16:02:07 -0400
    I want to take a more active role and join a committee. I don’t think I have the time required to be a Board Member.

    Toni Fernandez
    Member since Oct. 21, 2015
