3 Questions with Adam and Kate Flatt of Social Still

In anticipation of our upcoming membership event on 1/21, we asked Adam and Kate, owners of the Social Still, for their thoughts on the Co-Op!

Adam & Kate Flatt1. Why did you want to host an event for Bethlehem Food Co-op members?

We wanted to host a Bethlehem Food Co-Op member event to bring awareness to what we think is a great idea. Great food and drink is at the core of what we do. We need a source for fresh food right here in town. The co-op will offer residents of Bethlehem a walk-able option for fresh food and healthy choices for our families. All great cities deserve a town grocery. The Bethlehem Food Co-Op will put fresh food and healthy choices in reach for all its citizens.   

2. Last fall Social Still debuted its newest spirit, bourbon. What other spirits do you make, and what new ones can we look forward to in 2016?

Since becoming the first distillery in the Lehigh Valley since prohibition, we have had a lot of firsts. First vodka, first whiskey, first bourbon. We’re creating history every day. We are so proud to be producing our spirits in Bethlehem. We have Bourbon, Rye Whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Rum, Barrel Gin, and a world-class experience with our restaurant and bar. 

And this is just the beginning. We have some exciting projects set to release in 2016. We will finally bottle some of our signature infusions like Hop Gin, and Jalapeño Vodka, and our Spiced Rum. Not to mention some great collaborations with Franklin Hill Vineyards, and a local brewery, soon to be announced.   

3. What type of synergy do you see between a community-owned grocery store like ours and a locally owned and operated restaurant like yours? 

There are always things we need everyday for our restaurant. Having a local option would be great for those specialty items, or for the emergency “we ran out of lemons” type of day. 

Also, when you have a town where people are out walking around and running their day-to-day errands, they are more engaged and support other local places. We can have cooking demonstrations at the Co-Op and other community-related get-togethers. This infuses Social Still into the community and we become a participant in people’s daily life.  

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  • Carol Ritter
    commented 2016-01-07 13:10:20 -0500
    I love the idea of cooking demos- let’s do it
