2016 Board Election Results

The 2016 board ballot had five excellent candidates. We're excited to welcome three of them to the board!

Board ElecteesCongratulations to new Bethlehem Food Co-op board members Javier Toro (left) and Jennifer Dize (right), and returning board member Colleen Marsh (center), who were elected at last night's Annual Membership Meeting by their fellow co-operators!

Thank you to all of the member-owners who attended and voted. Special thanks to Warm Sugar Bakery, Red Stag Pub, and Deja Brew for donating food for our potluck and to all of the members who also brought food to share. 

And additional thanks to Paul Thiessen (a new co-op member!) and Dan DeChellis for providing the live musical entertainment while we noshed. 

We’d also like to recognize outgoing board members Kelly Allen and Andrew Bench for their years of service. 

Kelly Allen served as the inaugural chair of our Education Committee. He led his team through the process of building a robust education program and was instrumental in forming a partnership to promote and administer those programs with Northampton Community College.

As a board member who is also a lawyer, Andrew Bench made sure that we dotted our i’s and crossed our t’s. Andrew has relocated to Denver where he has continued to remotely provide assistance to our Co-op.

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