Meet the Bethlehem Food Cooperative!

We plan to open a community owned and operated grocery store in downtown Bethlehem. Our goals are to offer healthy, affordable, locally-focused food and informational workshops in a convenient neighborhood location.

Our Mission:

The Bethlehem Food Co-Op is a diverse community encouraging physical, social, and economic health by providing healthful, affordable food; emphasizing local, sustainable, humane and natural food systems; and offering unique educational opportunities to the entire community.

Important Things That Make Us Awesome:

  • Community Owned: The co-op will be owned by its members. Yes—YOU will be able to own the grocery store you shop at. And, not only can you own a share of the store, that share will give you an equal voice in the democratic process of the store.
  • Community Operated: The people in the community the co-op serves will operate our store. We will provide good jobs for our community! We hope to also include programs like work-for-food.
  • In Downtown Bethlehem: The co-op will be an oasis of fresh food in the food desertLowAccessFreshFood.jpg that exists in Bethlehem’s two downtowns.
  • Healthy Food: We plan to focus on local foods and organic offerings, helping our community live the best life it can!
  • Affordable Food: Members will receive discounts on co-op products, and prices will be limited by working directly with producers and offering alternative buying options like bulk bins
  • Informational Workshops: The co-op will not just be a grocery store. We want to engage with our community and offer education and recreation opportunities like classes on nutrition, cooking, gardening, composting and more!
  • Convenient Neighborhood Location: The store will be located in one of Bethlehem’s two downtowns and will be accessible on foot or by public transit or bicycle.


So, now that you know what we are all about, get involved! Or, you can learn more about the concept of a co-op here.
